Stop These Habits to Save Your Teeth! During a typical day, many of us do things without even realizing we are doing them! Such actions are better known as habits. Do any of your habits have a detrimental effect on your teeth? NCDS wants to help you stop these habits...
What is Restorative Dentistry and Why is it Important? Broken tooth? Missing tooth? These are some of the many problems that dentistry can fix. But exactly what is restorative dentistry and why is it important? North County Dental Specialties can not only provide you...
Daily Habits that Harm Teeth Whether we realize it or not, we all have some sort of routine. But could our habits actually be detrimental to the health of our teeth? North County Dental Specialties has some daily habits you may be doing that are unknowingly bringing...
Back to School Teeth Whitening The start to school is coming quickly! Preparations are being made for the start of the new school year. One thing that North County Dental Services can help with is a white smile! Whether they are headed off to college or high...
Get a Crown in One Day! At North County Dental Specialties we want to make dentistry as convenient as possible for our patients. The latest modern dental technology allows us to help you save time at the dental office. One way we do so is by the type of dental crown...