Why Choose an Electric Toothbrush?

Why Choose an Electric Toothbrush? If you are brushing and flossing your teeth daily, you obviously care about your oral health and are to be commended! Manual toothbrushes are good ol’ faithful when it comes to dental care. However, why not consider bringing your...

Stop These Habits to Save Your Teeth!

Stop These Habits to Save Your Teeth! During a typical day, many of us do things without even realizing we are doing them! Such actions are better known as habits. Do any of your habits have a detrimental effect on your teeth? NCDS wants to help you stop these habits...

What is Restorative Dentistry and Why is it Important?

What is Restorative Dentistry and Why is it Important? Broken tooth? Missing tooth? These are some of the many problems that dentistry can fix. But exactly what is restorative dentistry and why is it important? North County Dental Specialties can not only provide you...