What is a Night Guard?

Have you been experiencing tension headaches or a sore jaw upon waking up? Do you notice you have chipped or worn down teeth? Many people have found relief from these symptoms with the help of a Night Guard. What is this and how can it help you?

Talk to a Dentist

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, it can be a sign that you are grinding or clenching your teeth together, officially known as Bruxism. Talking to a dentist will help you to determine the best course of action and in most cases, a Night Guard will be recommended. Keep in mind that stress and/or a misaligned bite are causes of Bruxism. As you can imagine, a great number of people grind and clench their teeth!

A Night Guard is a sturdy appliance that you wear over your teeth while you sleep. You can buy one at the store or have have it professionally made through your dentist. However, when this appliance is made through your dentist, you can expect a superior fit and higher quality, thus increasing comfort.

Why a Night Guard is so Important

For those who suffer from Bruxism, the worst thing we can do is to ignore it. Because of the undue tension exerted on your teeth and jaw muscles, chips and cracks may begin appear on your teeth, thus causing sensitivity and even TMJ.

A night guard is so important because it can ease the tension on your jaw as well as your teeth. Think of it as a barrier that takes the brunt of the force exerted when you clench and grind. Your teeth are now protected!

Give North County Dental Specialties a call and ask us about our night time appliances (760) 233-5887